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HP StorageWorks Ultrium 448c Tape Blade

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StorageWorks Ultrium 448c Tape Blade
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Pregled proizvoda: 169713
Ta se statistika temelji na 97136 korištenje stranica za e-trgovinu (web shopovi, distributeri, stranice za usporedbu, ASP-ovi, sustavi plaćanja, itd.) preuzimanje ove Icecat podatkovne tablice od Samo su brandovi - sponzori uključeni u besplatnu distribuciju Open Icecat sadržaja kako je koristšteno od strane 94642 besplatni Open Icecat korisnici.
Informacije izmijenjene na: 13 Jul 2023 00:35:30
Datum posljednje promjene ove podatkovne tablice u Icecatu.
Jamstvo: Service & support options: 3 years 24 x 7 Hardware Support: Guards against downtime, which reduces productivity and profitability, Eases budget planning with fixed-cost support that includes parts and labor, Direct access to proven technical and problem-solving expertise; 3 years 24 x 7 Software Support: Improve the productivity of system managers and operators, Improve system performance and reduce downtime due to software defects, Expedite problem resolution through expert-level technical resources, Enjoy consistent service coverage across geographically dispersed sites, Update HP and selected third-party software at a predictable cost, Take advantage of subscription savings on software updates, Keep your license compliancy up-to-date3-year, next-day, parts exchange, limitedfor the HP StorageWorks Ultrium 448c Tape Blade, plus 9x5 phone support for the duration of the
Dugačko ime proizvoda HP StorageWorks Ultrium 448c Tape Blade :
Kratak opis %%naslov%%

HP StorageWorks Ultrium 448c Tape Blade
HP StorageWorks Ultrium 448c Tape Blade:
Službeni marketinški tekst %% title %% koji je dostavio proizvođač

The HP StorageWorks Ultrium Tape Blades are ideal for HP BladeSystem c-Class customers who need an integrated data protection solution. These half-height tape blades provides direct attach data protection for the adjacent server and network backup protection for all data residing within the enclosure. HP Ultrium Tape Blades offer a complete data protection, disaster recovery and archiving solution for BladeSystem c-Class customers.
With HP TapeAssure customers can be confident that their data is safe by monitoring drive and media utilization, operational performance and life/health information for drive and media. In addition, each tape blade supports HP One-Button Disaster Recovery (OBDR), which allows quick recovery of the operating system, applications and data from the latest full backup set. HP Ultrium Tape Blades are the industry's first tape blades and are developed exclusively for HP BladeSystem c-Class enclosures.

Integrated Data Protection Solution for HP BladeSystem c-Class Customers

• Tape-based data protection solution that integrates in the enclosure and utilizes enclosure management tools such as Onboard Administrator (OA).

Complete Data Protection and Disaster Recovery Solution

• HP Ultrium Tape Blades ship standard with HP Data Protector Express Basic Software.

Versatile Data Protection Solution

• HP Ultrium Tape Blades provide direct attach data protection of adjacent server and network backup of all other data residing within the BladeSystem c-Class enclosure. Protects both half-height and full-height BladeSystem c-Class server blades.

Kratak sažetak opisa HP StorageWorks Ultrium 448c Tape Blade:
Ovaj kratki sažetak %%naslov%% je automatski generiran i koristi naziv proizvoda i prvih šest ključnih specifikacija.

HP StorageWorks Ultrium 448c Tape Blade

Dugački sažetak HP StorageWorks Ultrium 448c Tape Blade:
Ovo je automatski generirani opsežni sažetak %% title %% na temelju prve tri specifikacije od prvih pet specfikacijskih grupa

HP StorageWorks Ultrium 448c Tape Blade