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HP 320GB IO Accelerator for BladeSystem c-Class memorijski modul

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HP Check ‘HP’ global rank
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320GB IO Accelerator for BladeSystem c-Class
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The Random Access Memory (RAM) is an important part of computers, servers and other electronic devices. Generally it is much faster than the permanent storage memory of your device and all information stored in it will be lost when you switch off your device. Extra RAM is often an affordable and efficient way to upgrade your slightly outdated device, so you can use it another year.
Memorijski moduli Check ‘HP’ global rank
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Kvaliteta podatkovnih tablica: created by HP
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Pregled proizvoda: 68596
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Informacije izmijenjene na: 07 Mar 2024 15:34:52
Datum posljednje promjene ove podatkovne tablice u Icecatu.
Jamstvo: HP IO Accelerator for HP BladeSystem c-Class has limited parts onlyincludes 3-Year parts, 0-Year labor, 0-Year on-site support
Dugačko ime proizvoda HP 320GB IO Accelerator for BladeSystem c-Class memorijski modul :
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HP 320GB IO Accelerator for BladeSystem c-Class
HP 320GB IO Accelerator for BladeSystem c-Class memorijski modul:
Službeni marketinški tekst %% title %% koji je dostavio proizvođač

Is your business facing constant bottlenecks in application performance? Are you frustrated with real-time data access?

The HP IO Accelerator for BladeSystem c-Class is part of a comprehensive solid state storage portfolio. This device is targeted for markets and applications requiring high transaction rates and real-time data access that will benefit from application performance enhancement. It offers the equivalent storage performance of multiple disks. The HP IO Accelerator brings high I/O performance and low latency access to storage, with the reliability of solid state.

Higher Performance

• HP IO Accelerator for BladeSystem c-Class provides high read and write performance and accelerated application performance (up to 530K IOPs) for customers with high I/O requirements, that buy large arrays just to get the performance from large number of drives.

Low Power Consumption

• The HP IO Accelerator, unlike traditional hard drives, uses PCIe attach Solid State storage. This can shift to very low power modes quickly and return to full performance, without the penalty of delays associated with waiting for a disk to spin back up.

Enhances Business Critical Applications

• The HP IO Accelerator enables faster performance with rapid response where output must be a few seconds or less.

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HP 320GB IO Accelerator for BladeSystem c-Class

Dugački sažetak HP 320GB IO Accelerator for BladeSystem c-Class memorijski modul:
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HP 320GB IO Accelerator for BladeSystem c-Class