HP 74XL High Yield Black/75XL High Yield Tri-color 2-pack Original Ink Cartridges
Save time and money when you buy a complete set of inks. Advanced HP ink cartridge technology gives you consistently outstanding results. Rely on HP for superior quality printing and easy ways to recycle ink cartridges.
HP M0J02BN, Kapasitas Besar (XL), Hitam, cyan, Magenta, Kuning, Tinta berbahan pigmen, Tinta berbasis pewarna, 18 ml, 12 ml
HP M0J02BN. Jenis tinta warna: Tinta berbasis pewarna, Kapasitas kartrid: Kapasitas Besar (XL), Jenis tinta hitam: Tinta berbahan pigmen, Volume tinta hitam: 18 ml, Tipe suplai: Multi kemasan, Hasil halaman tinta berwarna: 520 halaman, Volume tinta berwarna: 12 ml, Warna pencetakan: Hitam, cyan, Magenta, Kuning, Kuantitas per paket: 2 buah, Hasil halaman tinta hitam: 750 halaman